Thursday, April 17, 2014

Rebel Salon and Vintage

Me at Rebel Salon

Alienation Series
This series is about my experience as an awkard Mormon adolescent girl .
Alieanation 1, 24X24, Acrylic on wood
When I was a teenager there were church dances on Saturday. I stayed home and watched Dr Quinn Medicine Woman.

Alienation 2, 24X24, Acrylic on wood
Mormons had their own sense of humor that I didn't get. I remember the "How may lightbulbs Mormon jokes."

Alienation 3
On Sunday would be Young Women, which is sunday class for girls 12-18. My twin on me are on the right. I never
felt as pretty nor stylish than the girls.

Alienation 4, 24X24, Acrylic on wood
The church activities involved crafts or how to be a lady lessons During those times my twin and me
(on the right) didn't really fit in with the girls nor indulge in the activites.

There were lots of activities with girls dressing up as beauty queens. I am on the right set apart from the beauty queens and horrified.


  1. Hello Shelley, I am so glad you commented on my blog the other day about lowering prices because that led me here. Your work is very fun and I really like your vibrant colors! Have a great weekend and thank you for stopping by to see me!

  2. Hi Shelley, who is that gorgeous hunk sitting there :)

    I really enjoyed you coming by the other day and leaving me a great comment. Your art is fun and has a very distinct style and like me you love colour. Top girl I would say! ManonX

  3. Hi Shelley - I'm really enjoying your blog - am especially liking the top photo - the way you handled their expressions and also the great colors in the bottom photo! And seeing your work in different venues is very exciting!

  4. Congratulations! Your work looks amazing hanging on their wall. :)
