Saturday, January 7, 2012

More drawings

Blue Black 1

Black 1, ink on wood

Blue 1, ink on wood

Black 2, ink on wood

Blue 2, ink on wood
Black 3, ink on wood

Black 4, ink on wood


  1. wow! you have to be very patient to make all of this huh?

  2. These are so interesting. I would love to see them in person! I was once a painter but faces always alluded me. I would draw the body and leave off the head.
    You really know faces.

  3. I am intrigued by the quality of these drawings. How can Day of the Dead and Sarcophagi give such life? Kudos.

    Kyle Martin

  4. Wow, what fascinating characters...there is so much life and emotion in your drawings.

  5. Something different from the rest! faces on! love ur work!

  6. I love the drawings and the long format of the work.

  7. Powerful work, mesmerizing. In a way, it reminds me of the dark paintings of Goya. Not so much the style as the feeling, the turmoil in it. I love your formats too, they stress the unconventional content.

  8. THanks ersi marina. I love Goya. It was a nice compliment.

  9. dropping by to look at your drawings =)

  10. your drawings have so much depth! keep up the great work!

  11. thanks for dropping by on my blog! your wood paintings are exquisite!

  12. Your work is so unique! I like that you gave yourself permission to express these dark and very powerful images. Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog.

  13. Your drawings really draw me in-- the varied dimensions of the faces, the horror vacuii, & of course the intensity of the expressions, together create a vortex of emotion & agitation. Strong stuff!

  14. My goodness, so much detail. Disturbing but really neat, especially all those different kind of teeth. And I can totally see a bit of Goya like someone else mentioned. I don't think I would want to go see your show right before bed... but earlier in the day would work. :)

  15. Wonderful paintings! I'm not sure I agree with the relationship to Goya but I do see a kinship with the works of James Ensor. You have something terrific going on here.

  16. Great art... beautiful steel... I love, this pict...

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