Friday, June 17, 2016

Alien Technology 3, Firehouse Gallery

 Me with my pieces "There is no female Jabba the Hutt"
Other artists work in the show, Dain Quentin Gore, L.B.'s Paintings, Margarete Beeson, Michele Bledsoe

My art is towards the left, Steve Wesby's work on the right

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

2 of "There is no female Jabba the Hutt" made it into Alien 3 Technology exhibit at the Firehouse, Phoenix


There is no female Jabba the Hutt series

 These works are called "There is no Female Jabba the Hut." In sci fi there are always really good looking woman like Tricia Helfer and even Rebecca Romijn in the blue suit. I wanted to paint less prettier heroines.

Sunday, June 5, 2016

South Scottsdale Festival of the Arts at Pho Cao, Scottsdale

The bar that a music and art event South Scottsdale of the Arts
My area at Pho Cao which hosted the South Scottsdale Festival of the Arts, a night of music and art. I did some live painting (which I am starting to attempt).I did a Cumorah hill.

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Gods and Monsters show, (9) the Gallery


Zeus of the Grotto 2
Me by Zeus of the Grotto 2

                                                    other artists pictures at the show

                                              other artist pictures at the show